I don’t get to write regularly but try to write short and long form on compelling topics around tech culture and innovation. Here are relatively recent (past 5 years) of activity.

Strategy and Communication for Innovation (Springer, 2017)
Chapter: The Innovation Engine: A Framework for Overcoming Cultural and Organizational Impediments to Innovation at Scale by Andrew Breen
Abstract: Large, established organizations fear disruption from large technology companies and startups alike. In trying to thwart this, they have explored several innovation approaches such as labs, acquisitions, and spinouts. Most have not succeeded often due to the impediments that traditional twentieth century corporate culture and organizational design bring. The Innovation Engine is a framework developed to overcome organizational impediments to innovation at scale. The framework has been derived from taking organizational design and processes from successful technology growth and mature companies and the learnings from their application in more traditional companies outside the technology industry.

New Leadership in Strategy and Communication (Springer, 2020)
Vision Setting: How Leadership Communication Empowers Workers & Teams by Andrew Breen
Abstract: The modern corporation — inspired by the success of digital technology companies — aspires toward a flatter structure empowering less senior members with influence and decision making over their direction. Vision has always been important in successful organizations. It unites and gives purpose to the workforce. More traditional, hierarchical, tops-down organizations had only the top management layers to align for strategic decision making. From that, they dictated the tasks, processes and goals for the rest of the organization to follow keeping the organization aligned. Decision making is now pushed out to the edges. Modern firms value intellectual property built by knowledge workers with powerful technology tools. Research and development is critical to remaining competitive. Creativity is stifled by rigid direction and processes. Thus, workers are empowered to build the future of the company. However, uncoordinated work can lead to scattershot product development. A vision — and leaderships ability to effectively communicate it — are critical in today’s fast moving economy. Several techniques for communicating vision in a modern company are discussed.
Closing the Deal Online for SME Risk, Insurance Day
Pairing Underwriters With Machines, Carrier Management
The Speed of Change, Leaders Magazine
AI heralds a new era of insurance risk insight, Digital Insurance
Rising to the challenge of the insurance industry’s new frontier, Insurance Day
Viewpoint: Rising to the challenge of the insurance industry’s new frontier, Insurance Day

Lean Startup Labs NYC: Enterprise Summit, 2016
Talk on Lean in regulated organizations with examples from American Express

Navigating Organizational Design and Cultural Transformation in large, Traditional and Regulated Businesses, Future of Work Summit, 2018
Insurance and Artificial Intelligence
A.I. Expanding Underwriting Capabilities
How Data and Machine Learning/AI Affect Risk Transfer in the 21st Century, SXSW 2017
Navigating the innovation landscape: Best practices for insurance provider success, Insurance Thought Leadership, 2017
Staying Relevant with Modern Customer Expectations, Valen Analytics 6th Annual Summit
Interviews & Quotes
Discussion of Amazon and Ohi and micro-warehouses for same and next day delivery, Reuters CCTV, 2019
Bringing the Lean Process to Big Finance Corporations by Rachel Balik
Data is at the heart of the insurance industry’s innovation, Insurance Day
Who Said It? Executives Predict the Future of Insurance, Carrier Management
Artificial Insurance? How Machine Learning is Transforming Underwriting, Business News Daily
How Argo Group approaches AI integration, Digital Insurance
Digital Insurance’s top AI stories of 2017, Digital Insurance
Innovation a top-level priority at Guardian, AmFam and Argo, Digital Insurance
Challenges in melding tech with insurance remain: Experts, Business Insurance
Strategy and Tech Formula keys to progress and differentiate in the innovation race, 100 Seguro
The biggest event of InsureTech was held in Las Vegas, Road Show
Digital revolution needs digital natives, Business Insurance
Insurance regulation structure can cause roadblocks for tech changes, Business Insurance
Argo Group invests in tech to push productivity, San Antonio Business Journal
3 digital ways to improve the insurance customer experience in 2019, Digital Insurance
Insurers gear up for AI-powered decision-making, Insurance Day
IAB Service Excellence Award, IAB, Feb 2012
The IAB Service Excellence Awards honor individual members who have demonstrated strong leadership and provided an exceptional contribution to one or more significant, completed IAB initiatives over the last year. They are selected from participants in 18 IAB councils and committees, and dozens of working groups, all of whom join from across IAB’s more than 500 member companies.
Meet 31 Innovators & Instigators In The World of Startup-Driven Innovation, The Econic Team, 2016